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Tuesday 15 September 2020

How To Hack WiFi in Android [ Root , No Root]

 In this tutorial am going to explain how to hack wifi in android

Nowadays people wonders how to hack someone's WiFi with their smartphone and you may also tried a lot, if you're still wondering how to hack wifi password on android  then here is a tutorial to hack WiFi with Android Mobile Root + No Root Methods, so follow Below steps to how to hack wifi in android

How to hack wifi with android phone

Things Required : 

•Android Mobile with 5.1 Lolipop or above

•Android Mobile's version below 5.0 root must be Required

WPS WPA tester android app

How To Hack WiFi With Android without Root

Most of the people think we can hack WiFi with Rooted Android Mobile but we can Hack WiFi without Rooting Our Mobile

Follow Below steps to hack WiFi password on your Android without root

Firstly Download the WPS WPA tester app and install that app

After successful installation open the app
How To Hack WiFi With Android
and search for available WiFi networks by clicking the WPS button you Will observe two type of signal symbols, Green, and red shown as above screenshot 
We can hack only those networks which shows Green signals

Click on the network which you want to hack
now you will be shown many pins don't worry click on Automatic Connect

Wait few minutes you will be shown SUCCESS..!  If the WiFi  network is Hacked and you will be automatically connected, to see the password you need root permission

How To Hack WiFi With Android Rooted Phone

As you know guys Rooting Android gives some special privileges, if you don't know How To Root your Android Mobile then Follow this Simple Tutorial To Root your Android Mobile

After Rooting you have to Install Busybox On your Android so Follow This Tutorial To Install BusyBox in Your Android

After that Download WPS WPA Tester App and Follow the same

If your phone is rooted then you will see the network's password and you will be connected to the network
That's all you have been hacked the WiFi network


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