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Tuesday 15 September 2020

How to use Telegram Scraper in Termux

 Let me tell you how this tool is to help you

By using this Telegram Scraper Tool you can Scrap all Members data in a Telegram group and send them direct messages, you can add them to your new group

So without wasting time let's see how to install it

In order to use this tool, you must have a Telegram Account, just follow these simple steps to get started

How to use Termux Scraper in Termux

Step 1: Firstly Install Termux from Playstore

Step 2: Now Open Termux and type This Command

And Grant Storage access to Termux

Step 3: 

Now Type this Command

apt update && apt upgrade

Step 4: Now type this command to install python 3

pkg install python

Step 4: now we have to install git

For that type this command

pkg install git

Step 5: Now type this command to install TeleGram-Scraper Tool

git clone

Step 6:

After that type this command

cd TeleGram-Scraper

Then type ls

Step 7:

Now you have to Setup the requirements

For that type this command

python -i

And install the requirements by typing y

Step 8: 

Now you have to Configure the API Keys

For that type

python -c



And login thereby providing your phone number and verification code

If you haven't created any app then create one

After that click on API-Documentation

Then copy App Id, API Hash

Now go back to Termux and type App Id and hit enter, then it will ask for API Hash, just copy and paste the API Hash and hit enter

It will ask for your Phone number, just give your number and hit enter that's all your setup is ready

Step 9: Now Everything is fine

Telegram Scrapper in Termux

Just type this command to use Telegram Scraper


And select any group by typing the number

It will Scrap all the members of the group and will be saved as members.csv

You can send them bulk SMS by typing

python members.csv

You can add them to your group by typing

python members.csv

That's all you have known how to install and use Telegram Scraper Tool in Termux


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