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Tuesday 15 September 2020

Scan WordPress Vulnerability Using Your Android Mobile

 Android Smart phones are Became More Powerful , we are using our Smartphone for browsing the internet , Checking Emails etc. and Now Your Android Smartphone Works as a Mini Hacking Device , if you root your Mobile you will get extra privileges and you are able to use Hacking apps in your android

In our previous tutorials we have told you how to Root your Android Mobile and Presented Top Hacking Apps For Android Mobile and also presented a Tutorial on How To Install Hacking Tools On Your Android Mobile using Termux

In this tutorial we are going to teach you how to Scan WordPress website vulnerability using your Android Mobile , there are several ways to scan WordPress website vulnerability using Android,  follow below steps Carefully To Find Out

scan wordpress vulnerability online

4.How To Scan WordPress Vulnerability Using LazyWpscan Script

1. How To Scan WordPress vulnerability Using Wpscan Android App

To scan WordPress Vulnerability in android 
Firstly Download and Install Wpscan Android App On Your Android

Then you are almost done just type the url of your WordPress website which you are about to scan 

The app will scan the vulnerability and Detect the issues if any there

2. How To Install and use Wpseku Python Tool In Android

Wpseku is a python tool which is designed to scan WordPress vulnerability  , we can use it on our android Mobile , just follow below steps to do

Install Wpseku in Termux to scan WordPress vulnerability

Firstly Download and Install Termux App in your Android Mobile

After Installing type the Below Command

apt update && apt upgrade

Then you have To give Storage Access To Termux so type below command

And allow File management Permission
Now we need Python 2 engine so type below command

pkg install Python2

Now we have to install git  so type below command to install git

pkg install git

After installing git type below command to clone Wpseku

git clone

After that type below command to use wpseku

cd  WPSeku && ls 
Now Type
pip install -r requirements.txt 
Now type 


And follow the instructions to scan your WordPress website vulnerability

3. How To Install and use Wpscan Ruby tool on Your Android

Wpscan Ruby tool is also used to scan WordPress website vulnerability with advanced techniques , follow below Video to install Wpscan Ruby tool on your Android using Termux App

4. How To Scan WordPress Vulnerability Using Lazywpscan Script On Termux

Lazywpscan is an Automated WordPress vulnerability scanner , you can use this tool on your android using Termux app

Install LazyWpscan on Termux to scan WordPress vulnerability

Follow below steps to install it 

Open Termux and type below command
pkg install wget

Then type this command


Now type below Command and give chmod permission

chmod 777

Now you're almost done type below command 
and select 6 to install and use LazyWpscan on Termux


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