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Showing posts with label Termux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Termux. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 September 2020

How To Install Kali Linux On Android (Step-By-Step Guide)

 What's up guys, today Techncyber brought the ultimate guide to install Kali Linux on any Android Smartphone,

As You Know Kali Linux is the Most popular Linux Distribution Used For Pentesting, and it is widely used by Security Researchers, Ethical Hackers and even Cyber Criminals.

Install Kali Linux on android

Now In This Tutorial Let's See How We Can Install The Kali Linux Distribution In Our Android SmartPhone with Root and Without Root

There is a tutorial on installing Kali Linux in android by official Kali Linux you can read it here
But the tutorial is only for root users

Let's Explore Our Top 3 Ways To Install Kali On Android  Without Root & With Root

Requirements To Install Kali Linux On Android (With Root)

 Requirements :

We can Install Kali Linux Without Root, Firstly Let's See How To Install With Root

Steps To Install Kali Linux on Android With Root

Step1: Download And Install Busybox Installer from Playstore, and Install The Compatible Version Of BusyBox On your Android,

Step2: Now Download and Install Linux Deploy from Playstore

• After Installing, Open Linux Deploy and Click On Three Dots (On Bottom Right Side) as Shown In the screenshot

Linux deploy

• In The Distribution section Select Kali Linux,

Set Distribution to Kali Linux

• Scroll Down And Define your desired Username and Password In The Username and Password Fields

Define username and password

• Now Save All The Settings

Click on install button

• Now Click On Three Dots, you will see Install just Tap on It

•  It will take 5-10 Minutes to Install Kali Linux On Your Android, after installation success, click on Start Button

• Now You Have To Install VNC Viewer From Play store

• After Installing, Goto Linux Deploy and Click On Start Button

Start Linux deploy

• Now Goto VNC Viewer App and make a new connection, In The Address Field type localhost and Name Field as Kali Linux

VNC viewer settings

• Now Tap On Connect, you will be asked to enter username and password, just enter the username and password which you have chosen

Finally, click on connect, that's all you will be able to use Kali Linux On Your Android

Running Kali Linux with Linux Deploy and VNC Viewer

How to install kali linux on android without root

In the past Root Is Required To Install Kali Linux On any Android Device, But Now You Can Install Kali Linux on Android Without Rooting Your Android

Install kali linux on android step by step no root

There are two more ways to Install Kali Linux without Root
Let's see

How To Install Kali Linux With Limbo PC Emulator

The Limbo PC Emulator is a Good PC Emulator For Android, which we are going to run Kali Linux through it

  • Before Downloading The iso file you have to know your device architecture

So The Question is
How To Know Your Device Architecture?

  • After opening it, Look At the System Tab, if You see Arm: Armv7 Arm64, X86

  • Armv7 is 32Bit, Arm64 is 64 bit

  • That's all you have known your device architecture

Now goto the official Kali Linux Website and download the Kali Linux iso file as compatible with your device

  • Now open Limbo PC Emulator

  • Click on New (on the Top Right Corner)

Limbo PC emulator

  • Select Your Architecture as shown in the screenshot

  • Select the Machine Type To Pc

  • Select Core CPU to 4

Limbo CPU settings

  • In the storage section select Hard drive and select the Kali Linux iso file

  • In the Boot Settings Select Default or Hard drive

Limbo hardware settings

  • Now Goto Top And Click on start
Start limbo

  • You will be able to see the user interface just click on keyboard and hit enter
Running Kali Linux on limbo PC emulator

  • After Booting Finish, You will be able To Use Kali Linux on Your Android

Different Devices supports different methods of booting, if booting fails then select booting from Different Methods

You can do the same by using Bochs Android App

Firstly download and install Bochs from play store

Bochs storage settings

After that, open Bochs And On The Storage Tab Tick on ata0-master

And Select Cdrom then Select the Kali Linux iso file

In the Boot Section Select CD Rom

In the Hardware Section,

Bochs hardware Settings

Assign The RAM You wanna use for Kali Linux

After that just click on the Start Button (In The Top Right Corner)

That's all You Will Be Able To Use Kali Linux On Android without Rooting

Now let's see

How To Install Kali Linux Using Termux

If you're wondering how to install kali linux on termux then this section is for you

Now we can install kali linux in android by using termux that too without root

Just Follow below simple steps to install and know how to use kali linux in termux


•You must have at least 2GB Free Space on Your Device

•You have to Install Termux and Anlinux App From Playstore

•Device Must be Fully Charged

Firstly Install Termux, Anlinux App From Playstore

Then Open Anlinux and Click on Dashboard

Anlinux Dashboard

And Choose Kali as the Destro and you will get the commands 
just click on copy 

Now Open Termux and Paste the Commands in Termux and hit Enter

Downloading Kali on Termux

it will take some time to install kali
After Successful installion you will be able to start kali by typing


Pro Tip:

In the same way you can install Parrot Os, Arch Linux, Ubuntu and many other popular os in your android
just have a look at the dashboard in Anlinux App

Now we need Kali Desktop Environment so Open Anlinux App and Click On Dashboard

Select xfce4

then select Environment to Xfce4 

And Destro to Kali

Select kali

You Will Get the Commands just click on copy

Now Open Termux and start kali by typing

Now Paste the commands

it will take some time to install kali desktop image

Installing Kali desktop

after successful installation, You have to select language, Keyboard Type and set a password

if you have done the above then you can start the vnc server by typing



The command vncserver-start 
must be typed inside the kali machine, ie. after starting kali by ./

vncserver-stop command is used to stop vnc server

Now Download VNC Viewer From Playstore

and Make a new connection 

In the address field type localhost:1
and give any name as you wish

Now Click on Connect..

Now Enter The Password..

using Kali Linux in Termux

Boom.. You are able to use kali linux on android through Termux

Ultimate Guide To : Ethical Hacking With Termux

 Hi there , Now You can use Almost all Useful Hacking Tools, Scripts on Your Android Mobile

There are several apps and Hacking Tools are available For Android Mobile and therefore We can Install Kali Linux On Our Android but it requires some time and patient

Termux Tutorial PDF

 Bonus :

Download The Ultimate Guide to Ethical Hacking with Termux by Techncyber

Download Termux Tutorial Pdf

About Termux App

Termux is a Powerful Android app which is Designed to Install Linux packages on your Android Mobile

With this Termux App You Can Install shell, python, c, c++, perl, ruby, java and many more useful packages and with the help of Termux we can use several Hacking Tools/scripts in our mobile including Nmap, Hydra, Sqlmap etc..

 if you are about to use only the tools you needed  then read this article completely to Learn How to Use Termux App and How To Install hacking Tools On Your Android mobile with simple termux commands

Before We drive into deep, you must have to know the termux commands

Okay, Guys Without wasting your valuable time am going to present you the Termux Commands list in a simple & short way, I was planned to create a Termux commands list pdf, due to lack of time, am posting the commands directly on this post.


What are Termux Commands?

in simple words, Termux Commands are the terminal commands, which is executed to perform a particular task. These commands are similar to Linux Commands.

Termux Commands List :

Before we drive into deep, let's start with some cool commands.
Let's Learn How To Use Cmatrix effects on Termux

For That Type Below Command

pkg install cmatrix
After that type


Ctmatrix effects will be displayed on termux

Another Cool Command is Sl

pkg install sl

After that type sl
That's all a small Train will Start Running On Termux

Now let's see what are the background running tasks through termux
just type below command


Now let's find the factor of any number, for that install below package by typing

pkg install coreutils

After that to find the factor of any number then type factor number
eg: factor 100

Let's play with text on termux
we can write text in different styles, firstly try with the figlet

pkg install figlet

After that type figlet and type the text you want to write in the figlet style

For Colourful text, you have to install toilet package for that, type below command

pkg install toilet

After that type toilet "your text"
You can also try color combination eg
toilet -f mono12 -F gay "Your Text"

Calendar in termux, if you can't to see the calendar in termux then type


To see the calendar
To see the time and date just type date in termux

Now let's talk about some helpful commands

apt update

This command used to update the termux built-in busybox and other packages

apt upgrade
This command is used to upgrade the packages to the latest

Accessing and managing files in termux

To manage and access files in termux then you must type below command


To access a directory cd command is used
The termux default directory is located at /data/data/com.termux/
You can access it anytime by typing cd $home

ls Command is used to see the list of sub directories

To access your internal sdcard you have to type cd /sdcard && ls

To Access your External Sdcard the same command is used cd /sdcard0/ && ls

To Remove/delete an empty Directory or a file, use this command: rm -rf filename
Where filename belongs to the name of the file or directory
Similarly, you can use rm -r filename

To Make a Directory mkdir Command is used
Eg: mkdir Hello
Where Hello Belongs to a Directory Name

For Copying files from one directory to another, cp Command is used
eg: cp /path/file /path
Similarly for moving files mv Command is used

Termux also Supports zipping and Unzipping of Zip files
For that zip , unzip Commands are used

Let's talk about Networking
ifconfig Command is used to get all the information regarding your Network IP Address
To check a particular website is accessible or not in your ISP then you can check that through termux by typing

ping website
Eg: ping

The Interesting thing is you can access the internet through termux, directly in the command line

Firstly you have to install the w3m package by typing

pkg install w3m
After that type below command to access any website

w3m website
eg: w3m
Lynx is similar to w3m
To install lynx, type pkg install lynx
After that type lynx

Now In this Section i will teach you How To Install Useful Packages/Hacking Tools On your Android mobile

How To Use Hacking Tools  in Termux

Firstly Download and Install Termux App On your Mobile from Play store

It doesn't Matter your mobile is Rooted or Non Rooted

After Downloading Open Termux 

Now Type 

apt Update && apt upgrade

And hit Enter 

Now Type 


Now You are Ready To install useful packages and hacking Tools on your Mobile, we are sharing some of the tools with their installation and simple commands in termux

How To Install NMAP tool in Termux

install nmap in termux

In Termux you can Use git  to directly cloning files from guthub or you can manually download files to your sdcard and Use

Nmap is a Information Gathering and Vulnerability Scanner Tool , to install nmap in termux type below command 

pkg install nmap

After that it will take few minutes to install after installation  you can use nmap on termux by typing  nmap in termux 

You can use nmap in termux for scanning targets on your mobile and also for  basic attacks 

How To Install Hydra in Termux

install Hydra In Termux

Hydra is is Good Tool for Brute force Attack , hope you might already known about it and you may not need more info about hydra 

To install Hydra in Termux just type command 

Pkg install Hydra

it takes few minutes to install , after installation

Just type Hydra in Termux to start using termux 

How To Install RED_HAWK Tool in Termux 

install RED HAWK in Termux

As you know RED_HAWK is a good Information Gathering Tool written in Php 

Red Hawk is used for Website Information Gathering such as who is Lookup , Reverse IP Lookup , xss, sqli scanning etc 

To install RED_HAWK follow below steps

To use Red Hawk you Need Php environment so type below command 

Pkg install php

During installation you will be asked : termux will use some space on your device just simply type y for Yes 

After type
pkg install git

git is used to directly cloning files from github or you can download scripts, tools from github or other sources and use

Then type the command in termux

git clone

After success response 

Find the Directory of RED_HAWK 

type cd

Then type ls

Type in Termux

Chmod +x RED_HAWK



Now Type ls  

Then again type chmod +x rhawk.php

Finally type this command in Termux to use

php rhawk.php

That's all Now You are able To use RED HAWK in your Mobile 

How To Install Recondog in Termux

Install RecongDog in Termux

ReconDog is also a information Gathering and Vulnerability Scanner Tool Written In Python 

So Follow Below steps To Install And Use RecongDog in Termux 

Firstly kill the session of Termux or You can start a New Session in a new window 


pkg install Python2

It will prompt you to Termux will use some space on your device simply reply y for yes 

After that now type 
git clone

Now Type cd

Then type ls 

Then type 
cd  ReconDog

Then type 

That's all Now You will be able to use ReconDog 

How To Install SQLMAP in Termux

Install Sqlmap in Termux

As you know salmap is a most useful website vulnerability scanning Tool 
Which is greatly used by Pentesters, Hackers, Security researchers 

Sqlmap is written in Python so we need python environment for that we have to install python in Termux 

Follow below steps Carefully 

Firstly type 

Pkg install python2

After installation 

Type this command in Termux 

git clone

It will take a few minutes to be Downloaded and installed 

After Download just type this command


Then type 


Then again type 

cd sqlmap-dev 

Then final step is type 


That's all you will be able to use sqlmap on your Mobile 

We have presented some information gathering and Vulnerability scanning Tools and Told you How To Install Them in Termux 

You can Install and Use The Hacking Tools written in php, python or any other programming language 

How To Install Lazymux In Termux

How To Install  Lazymux In Termux

Lazymux contains Several Hacking Tools of Kali Linux at One Place so now its easy to Install Lazymux In Termux

Lazymux Contains the Following Hacking Tools

  [01] Sudo              [11] SQLMap
  [02] NMap           [12] Black Hydra
  [03] Hydra          [13] Fl00d & Fl00d2
  [04] FB Brute Force  [14] Infoga
  [05] Webdav          [15]
  [06] RED HAWK        [16] Pagodo
  [07] Brutal          [17] FBUP
  [08] Metasploit      [18] KnockMail
  [09] 1337Hash        [19] Ufonet
  [10] IPLoc           [20] Commix

  [21] D-Tect          [31] ReconDog
  [22] A-Rat           [32] Meisha
  [23] Torshammer      [33] Kali NetHunter
  [24] Slowloris       [34] Ngrok
  [25] DSSS            [35] Weeman
  [26] SQLiv           [36] Cupp
  [27] Wifite          [37] Hash-Buster
  [28] Wifite 2        [38] Routersploit
  [29] MSFPC           [39] Ubuntu
  [30] Kwetza          [40] Fedora

 Follow Below Steps To Do So

Firstly Download 

Termux App 

Then Type this Command 

apt Update && apt upgrade

Now We have to Install git by typing this command 

pkg install git

Then Now We need Python2 environment in Termux so type the command pkg install python to install python 

Now almost done type below command to install Lazymux on Termux 

git clone

After Cloning successful 

Type below command to find the Lazymux Directory

cd Lazymux && ls

Now you have to type below command for menu of Lazymux Hacking Tools


Now select your Desired Tool To Install and use

Note you're installed tools will be save to Lazymux Directory so always check the Lazymux directory after installing tools 

Now its Possible even To Install Metasploit Frameworks and Many Other Hacking Frameworks in Termux 

Hope you guys liked this tutorial and Wanted to Know more about all the available Hacking Tools for Termux