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Thursday 10 September 2020

Top 15 Vulnerable Websites To Test Your Hacking Skills Legally


Top 15 Vulnerable Websites To Test Your Hacking Skills Legally

15 Vulnerable Websites To Test Your Hacking Skills Legally 

Ethical Hackers who want to test their hacking skills on Vulnerable Websites. For them, we have created a list of top 15 vulnerable websites to test your hacking skills legally.

Hey guys, I am back again today my post is about 15 Vulnerable Website to test your hacking skills legally. These are the best hacking sites. The attack is definitely the best form of defense and this also applies to cybersecurity companies are now hacking their own websites and even hiring ethical hackers in an attempt to find vulnerabilities before the bad guys do as such ethical hacking is now a much sought after skill. So how do you learn how to hack and practice your hacking skills while staying on the right side of the law use these twelve deliberately vulnerable sites to practice your hacking skills so you can be the best defender.

Whether you're a developer, security manager, auditor or penetration tester always remember practice makes perfect. So let's see twelve Vulnerable websites on which you can test your hacking, Or you can learn to hack from these websites. These websites not only just for testing, By practicing on this website you will learn new things, but our minds will also get sharper than before, as new challenges you face on these websites. Your skills will get better.

I am sure by using these websites you can be a great hacker, I am telling you because I also have personally used these websites. These webs are great in developing our mind, new innovative ideas come to our mind, our problem-solving capacity increase. Also, you will face brainfuck and difficulties if you are new in hacking. But never give up always try to give your best. Because if you want to be a professional hacker, then you must know about a hacker attitude and real hackers never give up. You can test the hacking website one by one. All of these are legal hacking websites. So let's get started.

List Of Vulnerable Websites To Test Your Hacking Skills Legally 

>Game of Hacks;
>Google Gruyere appsot;
>Hack this;
>Hellbound Hackers;
>Over The Wire;
>Root Me;
>Vicnum Ciphertechs;
>Web Goat;
>OWASP Juice Shop;
>Hack Me.


BWAPP it stands for buggy web application is a free and open-source deliberately buggy web application. It is the best buggy website for testing and also It is one of the famous web applications that are used by hackers to test their hacking skills. It covers over more than 100 web application vulnerabilities this makes BWApp unique than others. It has a very large amount of web vulnerabilities that covers approximately all web vulnerabilities.

It is not only limited to just 100 vulnerabilities you can also increase the level of particular vulnerability to test how much pro you are isn't it great?

BWAPP is a PHP application that uses the MYSQL database. It can be hosted on Linux as well as Windows OS, On windows, you can host your BWApp on wamp and Xampp server, by simply downloading BWApp and a Xampp/wamp server on your windows. And in Linux, you have to host a BWApp on the apache server. I recommend using BWApp on Kali Linux. You can download this web application from here:

Download BWAPP  

NOTE:- In order to use BWapp you must have PHP installed in your system.

2) Game of Hacks

Alright, this one isn't exactly a vulnerable web app but it's another engaging way of learning to spot application security vulnerabilities so we thought we'd throw it in call it shameless self-promotion we've received amazing feedback from security pros and developers alike. So we're happy to share it with you the game is designed to test your fsec skills.

Each question offers a chunk of code which may or may not have a security vulnerability it's up to you to figure it out before the clock runs out a leaderboard makes the game of hacks just that much more enticing. 

To practice on this site go to this link:

 Visit Game of hacks 

3) Google gruyere appsot

This vulnerable site is full of holes and aimed for those just starting to learn application security. So if you are a beginner and you don't know much about hacking or you are at an intermediate level, this is the easiest vulnerable site that you would like to have. 

Your job in this site is of a malicious hacker who wants to exploit the bugs of this vulnerable site there will be three types of challenges you will get to solve and exploit them. By this, your hacking skills will increases. If you want to practice on this web then you can go to the following link

 Visit Google gruyere appsot  

4) Hack this

Hack this offers you over 50 levels with various difficulty levels in addition to a lively and active online community making this a great source of hacking and security news and articles. 

Let's suppose you are stuck at a level and you don't know what to do next, then what you will do? just don't be panic hack this provides you an online community where you can share your doubts and also you can ask how to solve this issue other members will provide you with a variety of hints to make you succeed.

I personally recommend this site cos it has a variety of levels that will make your mind stuck by this you will get an idea to overcome your problems. This is one of the amazing vulnerable sites that I ever tested.

They also provide you with a variety of articles where you can learn more. You can test this website from the following link

Visit Hackthis  

5) HackThisSite

"hack this site" is the legal and safe place for anyone to test their hacking skills the same as "hack this" it has articles and forums if you get stuck on completing a particular challenge. Then you can ask more professional hackers in the forum sections. And it's article will help you to gain knowledge about how the mission inside this site works and how you will complete them.

This site is vulnerable and 100% legal to hack but please after gaining knowledge don't try your skills to hack other genuine websites. These sites provide hacking is just to make you better in hacking and to secure your own network or your companies network. As this website is full free it needs $300 per month to maintain its servers. So if you have more money so you can donate to the creator of this website. This is optional anyway you can test this site from this link 

Visit hack this site 

6) Hellbound Hackers

Hellbound hackers the hands-on approach to computer security offers a wide range of challenges with the aim to teach how to identify exploits and suggest the code to Patrick. This is really an ultimate site for hacking tutorials it's also one of the biggest hacking communities.

The best thing about this site I like is the super easy challenges like a piece of cake. This is the best site for beginners and also it is the best site for experts. And it is not only limited to computer security but you can also test your hacking skills on different IoT devices. Check this site here

Visit hellbound hackers 

7) Over The Wire

Over the wire is great for developers and security professionals at all experience levels to learn and practice security concepts. Over the wire is a new vulnerable site and legal to test hacking skills. This website is still developing and updating new hacking challenges.

They also have a web-based IRC client. So if you got stuck or have any problem then you can go to their IRC chat servers and you can discuss your problem with them and also you can hang out with them too. 

Visit over the wire 

8) Root me

Root me is a great way to challenge and improve your hacking skills and web security knowledge throughout approx 200 hacking challenges and 50 virtual environments.

Not only you can practice it also you can make your own challenges by contacting them. And also you will get a reward for that. So if you are interested in this then be ready to join the community of 254000+ members. 

9) Try2hack

one of the oldest challenge sites still around try to hack offers multiple security challenges. The game features diverse levels which are sorted by difficulty all created to practice hacking for your entertainment 

Visit Try2hack 

10) Vicnum Ciphertechs

The victim is a series of basic and obviously web apps based on games commonly used to kill time because of their simple frameworks the applications can be tailored for different needs.

Making victims a great choice for security managers looking to help teach developers act as a cc in a fun way. 

Visit Vicnum Ciphertecs 

So these were the top 15 Vulnerable web application for testing your hacking skills, or you can say that these are the vulnerable website for testing. You can test hacking on these webs because of these test hacking websites. Mean you can test your hacking skills legally here. Don't try your hacking on any other website that doesn't offer hacking practice. Hacking innocent people's websites is not good and illegal hacking may cause you in Jail. So be safe. The websites mentioned above are 100% safe and legal to test your hacking.

11) Mutillidae

It is another deliberately vulnerable web application created for Linux and Windows. This project is actually a set of PHP scripts containing all OWASP ( Open Web Application Security Project ) vulnerabilities and more. It contains many tips to help new users.

Visit Mutillidae

12) HackTheBox

Hack the box is one of the best websites to test your hacking skills legally.  This site is a free platform (also has a paid version) to test your skills in offensive security, that is, intrusion tests. There are dozens of machines with vulnerabilities in this environment, both Windows and Linux, all access is done via VPN which is made available by the website after registration.

In order to join Hack the box you will need to hack the invite code.

Visit HackTheBox

13) WebGoat

One of OWASP's most popular projects. It provides a realistic learning environment with lessons designed to teach users about complex application security issues. 

It is aimed at developers looking to learn more about web application security. Available for Windows, OSX Tiger, and Linux and has separate downloads for J2EE and .NET environments. 

There is an " easy-run " version, as well as a " source distribution " version that allows users to modify the source code.

14) OWASP Juice Shop

It is an intentionally unsafe web application for security training, written in JavaScript, which encompasses all OWASP Top Ten and other severe security flaws.

15) Hack Me

Hack Me is a free project, created to increase the security of the sites,  anyone can invade the site, as the tests are happening on the site you can contribute by informing which flaw you exploited on the site.


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